HHPC PArtners

We strive to embody our faith locally and around the world and offer the hope of Christ to our neighbors in word and in deed. The Bible teaches us that by the intentional stewardship of their time, talent and treasure, Christians bring nothing less than a foretaste of the Kingdom of God into reality within their given community.

Our HHPC Partners Ministry Team oversees the development and support of the various strategic ministry partnerships listed below.




PURPOSE: To reach the world with the hope of Jesus through acts of service by coming alongside the local church to encourage gospel ministry in times of crisis.

PROGRESS: To build effective ministry teams from PCA churches throughout the Carolinas: teams that will be equipped with rapid response capabilities, specific response training, and spiritual care expertise. HHPC is developing our own Rapid Response Team with Steve’s oversight and guidance that will allow us to effectively respond to the next severe hurricane in the Carolinas or southern Georgia.

PRAYER: Pray that the Holy Spirit would prompt members of HHPC to volunteer to partner with MNA Disaster Response and get trained/certified before the next hurricane season is upon us. Pray that MNA Disaster response will be able to build effective partnerships with other PCA churches across the southeastern United States such that we can collectively be most effective during the next crisis.


HHI PUBLIC SCHOOLS - FCA, Principal Brockway - HH IB Elementary

PURPOSE: At HHPC, we believe God provided the current location of our church in part to serve the students and teachers at these adjacent public schools. Through partnerships with the faculty at the elementary school and with FCA at the middle and high schools, we have an opportunity to serve in the name of Christ and reach students, teachers, and coaches for the Gospel.

PROGRESS: COVID 19 was a major set back to student development as well as for FCA “huddle” attendance. At the elementary school, we will provide students with supplies, food, clothing, mentoring, and reading assistance. Through FCA, we will participate in campus, team, and coaches' “huddles” and make our facilities available to host FCA gatherings before and after sporting events as the FCA seeks to build back up its ministry.

PRAYER: Pray for the overall safety of our students and faculty on the school campuses and for our families in need, not only for their physical needs but also their mental and spiritual needs. Pray for the coaches and students of the middle and high schools, that they would believe the Gospel and become followers of Christ. Pray for volunteers from HHPC who will step into these opportunities to support Michelle and FCA at HHIE (Hilton Head Island Elementary.)



PURPOSE: To encourage families in crisis to choose life for their babies and then support those moms and dads who do. To achieve our purpose, we provide essential early prenatal medical care to uninsured, underinsured and underserved pregnant women in the Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Ridgeland areas along with counseling, education, and Christ-centered spiritual and material support.

PROGRESS: Mothers get the first glimpse of their unborn baby through the Ultrasound provided as part of their pre-natal care. PCCLC has found that having such services available offers an incredible bonding experience that causes many to choose life despite any uncertainty they may have about their ability to care for a child.

Our partnership with HHPCA will help us to better connect families with important and relevant resources to bridge the gap that often exists between clinic and community services. Having increased options such as the ability to participate in a Christian-based mentoring relationship as well as easier access to on-going community support services, like Lifeline Children’s Services and Deep Well’s Circles program, will better equip families for a thriving future up to the birth of their baby and beyond!

PRAYER: Pray that HHPC members will volunteer to walk alongside these families when they are with PCCLC and especially from sixteen weeks to birth and beyond.



PURPOSE: Circles gathers volunteers to support families in poverty. The program surrounds families with people who share life and professional skills to equip families to end cycles of poverty and achieve long-term stability.

PROGRESS: Circles has successfully completed its first twelve-week “cohort” resulting in over 400 hours of training, five enrollments at The Technical College of the Lowcountry and several more who have completed the GED.

HHPC plans to host and participate in future cohorts to both provide life-impacting training while also sharing the life-transforming power of the Gospel. In addition, by hosting these cohorts, we will be well-positioned to invite these families to join our family at HHPC.

PRAYER: Pray for patience and perseverance for all who embark on the Circles journey. It is a long one. Pray that these relationships will change lives in the community around us. Pray that the Lord will raise up volunteers within HHPC that desire to engage with Circles.



PURPOSE: To equip the church to manifest the Gospel to vulnerable children and their families.

PROGRESS: Lifeline in South Carolina began 10 years ago with an international adoption ministry; today Lifeline offers life-affirming, Gospel-centered counseling to women with unexpected pregnancies and domestic and international adoptions across every county in the state.

In addition, through partnerships with local churches like HHPC, Lifeline offers foster care for children in crisis, Families Count for biological families involved with DSS with a desire to stay together, Heritage Builders for teens aging out of the foster care system, and Worthy, a counseling service for women with unexpected pregnancies who plan to parent.

PRAYER: Pray for Christian families willing to step forward in faith to foster and adopt, especially older children and children with special needs. Pray for South Carolina churches willing to partner with Lifeline to host Families Count, Heritage Builders, and/or Worthy. Pray that the Lord would bring expectant mothers to Lifeline so that we can care for them and share the hope of the Gospel.



PURPOSE: RUF’s purpose on the campus of the College of Charleston is to be a place where the convinced and unconvinced can explore the claims of Jesus and enter into his story together.

PROGRESS: Some of the main avenues we are growing as a ministry are through our weekly large group meetings, small group Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship. We are working to equip college students to go out onto the campus with a Biblical worldview and engage their neighbors and friends with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

PRAYER: Pray that we would continue to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve in his church. One of our deepest convictions is that faithful students who graduate with a love of Christ’s church are a sign of a successful ministry. Pray that the Lord would continue to provide financial partners who can join us to help our team stay on campus and preach the gospel to students. College of Charleston does not have a long track-record of RUF alumni so raising support is more challenging for our team. Pray that we can be an effective ministry partner with HHPC and be a place where your youth gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for RUF before they reach college.



PURPOSE: To reach SCAD students for Christ and to equip them to serve His kingdom and church.

PROGRESS: Teaching the basics of the Reformed doctrine of faith for both Christians and skeptics. Developing a community that embodies our theological principles. Equipping students to discover their gifts with an emphasis on a lifetime of church service. Synthesizing their creativity with a biblical vision of vocation.

PRAYER: Pray for conversions. SCAD is a mission field ripe for harvest, and we are dependent on God’s work in giving these students eyes to see the gospel. Pray for avenues to get more involved on “campus.” Because SCAD does not have a traditional campus, it can be challenging to find ways to be part of campus life, even though we are a recognized club. Pray that we can be an effective ministry partner with HHPC and be a place where your youth gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for RUF before they reach college.



PURPOSE: To be a cross-cultural church, renewed by the Gospel, and living together as a spiritual family. To glorify God in our city and be a transformational presence, eagerly anticipating the final Day of renewal in the New City.

PROGRESS: The Sibleys moved to Orangeburg in 2015 and started building relationships with local churches and ministries. New City Fellowship began meeting in 2017 and has steadily grown over time, despite the setback that was COVID, and now has a meeting space, a core group of regular attenders, and a growing foundation of lay leadership.

We recently helped launch RUF at SC State University (one of the first RUFs at an HBCU) by placing staff member Joel Brown at SC State. We now enjoy welcoming several college students each week. Today, by God’s grace, New City is displaying God's reconciling work among an ethnically diverse congregation (60% black, 40% white).

PRAYER: Pray that we will find encouragement in Christ and persevere in discipleship. Pray for increased opportunities for evangelism and growth, and for our congregation to prioritize gathering for corporate worship.Pray that New City will continue towards its goal of becoming a self-governing and self-sustaining church.



PURPOSE: To reach, teach, and nurture the Deaf of Jamaica to experience the joy of knowing Jesus and equip them to serve within their communities.

PROGRESS: CCCD re-started school in person in the 2022-2023 school year; the school had been closed due to a government shut down since March of 2020 due to COVID. The school currently educates 64 students with twelve new students joining next year. Eleven students graduated this year and are moving on to securing jobs that the school has trained them for. CCCD is once again fully equipped to house student and family missions trips that are designed to encourage friendship and relational ministry between students.

PRAYER: Pray for the Briggs as they are transitioning roles within CCCD. Ren will be overseeing team visits (i.e., missions trips) while Chris will train other CCCD missionaries while maintaining his responsibilities at the Jamaica Deaf Village (which is a series of businesses that hire deaf workers). Pray for Eve a to be able to get her Jamaica residency to allow her to be able to stay without having to renew her work visa. Pray for the students at the school, that they may know the love of Jesus and develop the life skills required to thrive.



PURPOSE: To equip and empower global church leaders with accessible, high-quality, visually engaging, biblical education to fulfill the Great Commission in the 21st century and beyond.

PROGRESS: Over the last twelve years, Thirdmill has educated almost 2 million students across a variety of programs. In August of 2021, Thirdmill launched the Thirdmill Institute to provide a structured certificate program that utilizes all of the Thirdmill courses. These courses are now available in eleven languages; we currently have over 10,000 students learning. Finally, we have over 800 partner institutions that are using Thirdmill materials to train church leaders and pastors.

PRAYER: Pray for wisdom as Thirdmill explores new opportunities for translation work utilizing AI; this could be a game-changer as Thirdmill pursues its long-term goal of educating 10 million students around the world. Pray that God would lead and guide us to partners around the world who could benefit from Thirdmill materials. Pray for the students and future church leaders using Thirdmill.



PURPOSE To love and care for orphaned and vulnerable children by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional, and social needs. We seek to ensure every child in our care grows up to be dependent on Jesus, interdependent in their community, and independent economically.

PROGRESS Over the last 25+ years of ministry, we have taken a solutions-based approach to the care of the vulnerable children and families. We currently serve 2,700 children in partnership with eleven children's homes as well as providing foster care, kinship care (supporting vulnerable families), and transition programs that move children towards independent living.

PRAYER Pray for the strengthening and unification of the vision for the foster care program within the technical team. Pray for their growing partnership with the state and federal government as they continue to train leaders and develop policy for Mexico's foster care system. Pray for the Strong Families program in Monterrey as we try to reunite families separated by tragedy or poverty. Pray for the partner homes who we serve with to take care of the orphans and foster children of Monterrey.



PURPOSE As Team Leader for MTW in Belize, our purpose is to assist the Presbyterian Church in Belize in church planting and revitalization.

PROGRESS We continue to see meaningful growth in the seventeen congregations across Belize; at our home church (Bethany) attendance has increased from 12-15 to 50-60 each Sunday. We have a regular Bible study group in Belmopan, the capital city of Belize, which will form the basis for a new church plant for the Presbyterian Church of Belize.

PRAYER Pray for the Belmopan church as we have just purchased a piece of property and expect to move in soon. Pray for the leaders of the new Belmopan church who are currently in training to be church officers and lay leaders. Pray for the leaders of the various churches in Belize, most of which need and desire additional leadership training.


•Jon & Olya Powell (MTW L’viv Ukraine)

•Paul Cifaldi (FCA)

•Rob Ilderton (MTW London, England)

•John & Kate Rechin (EFCA ReachGlobal)

•Henry Holmberg (Living Hope Church)

•Aaron Kalms, Leigh Whitaker (Young Life)

•Dale Phillips (Paraclete Mission Group)

•Jon Pfeil (MTW Japan)

•John Meinen (RUF UVM)

•Luke Brouwer (Hope Community Project Haiti)

•Andrew Miller (Deaf Ministry International)

•John Boyte - Anderson, Sammy Rhodes - USC, Andrew Shank - WCU (RUF in the Carolinas)